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How To Moisturize Scalp With Dreads: 7 Practical Methods

Moisturize Scalp With Dreads

Are you one of the many who'd like to learn how to moisturize scalp with dreads? The hair is our crowning glory, and there's so much we can do to improve it if we care for our locs the right way. Locs come in textures, ranging from fine to coarse. Your hair is uniquely yours!

Maintaining dreadlocks can be challenging as they're prone to having a dry scalp. Scalp dryness can lead to an itchy scalp and dry, brittle locs.

Please keep reading as we go over several methods for maintaining dreadlocks effortlessly.

How to Moisturize Scalp With Dreads in a Nutshell

Locs can protect the hair from harmful elements. However, even distribution of the sebum can be challenging due to the curly strands. Therefore, the lack of natural oils can make your hair tips more fragile and break easily.

Protective styling can be beautiful, but it requires patience, time, and effort to keep the scalp hydrated and in good health.

The following are practical methods for caring for your natural hair and ensuring that your scalp with dreads is always well-nourished:

1. Maintain A Healthy Diet

Maintain A Healthy Diet

You can't expect to eat junk food and wish to have well-nourished hair. A protein-rich diet can do a lot of wonders for optimal hair growth. Unhealthy fats should have no place in your meal plan if you want to make this happen.

The lack of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and essential fatty acids in your diet can cause your hair to be unhealthy and weak. Too much alcohol, sugar, and nicotine consumption can even contribute to hair loss, as these are stimulants that rob your body of necessary nutrients.

For this reason, those individuals with protein deficiency due to overusing harsh hair care products, poor diet, or medication are likely to have brittle hair.

Eat foods that can help nourish your strands. There is no better substitute for a nutritious diet and lifestyle. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is also essential to healthy dreads. Our dreads benefit immensely from good nutrition, so it's practical to watch what you eat first and foremost.

You may also take vitamin supplements if you feel like eating the right foods isn't enough. Some people are taking medications affecting their hair's health. There are quality supplements available to help you address such a problem.

2. Refrain From Using Harsh Chemicals Or Damaging Hair Treatments

Damaged Hair and Scalp Problems

Over-marketed products give us false hope and waste our time and money. As you start using them, you will notice that the promised results never happen. You feel disappointed and cheated, and worst, you sometimes wonder if something is wrong with your hair.

Hence, it is imperative to understand that hair care begins with proper education in knowing our hair type and what it needs.

Be as well-informed as you can; do intensive research and seek advice from those with the same protective hairstyle. Several companies have manufactured products to meet the overwhelming demand for stronger hair and prevent dry locs.

While some of these hair products are authentic gems, others might seem promising but are utterly useless and an entire waste of money.

3. Observe Proper Hair Washing

Observe Proper Hair Washing

Many individuals fear shampooing their dreads due to the common misconception that washing their natural hair can damage it. Yes, the locs can be fragile, but they won't fall off clumping only because of shampooing or washing with water.

Washing your dreadlocks is a vital hygienic measure, similar to brushing our teeth.

Sometimes, what we wish to achieve for our hair changes, and as such, the regimen we follow does too without us realizing it. Locs can be naturally delicate, but washing does not damage them. However, frequent washing is detrimental as doing so can lead to moisture loss.

Like your face, the scalp must also be well-hydrated and toned to be less likely to go dry, flake, or itch. In addition, massaging your scalp gently can improve blood circulation. Or at least you can try massaging the shampoo onto your scalp instead of onto your hair.

Such a practice cleanses the scalp more thoroughly without drying the hair. An increased blood flow also means adequate oxygen and nutrients get to your hair follicles, resulting in a healthy scalp with dreads or even without.

Dapper Point: Hair moisturizers help in managing your crown glory. Complement this by using quality shampoos and conditioners for your hair's overall well-being -- 6 Best Wave Shampoos & Conditioners (For All Hair Types).

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

You may also give apple cider rinse a shot if you haven't tried it yet. Vinegar can be very potent, so creating an infusion might seem more suitable. Diluting it with water can make apple cider vinegar rinse more gentle and safer for your locs.

On the other hand, mixing baking soda and apple cider can be powerful enough for dreadlock detoxification. Both ingredients can deep cleanse your curls and keep them healthy.

The vinegar's acid can also maintain your dreads' pH balance as it eliminates sebum buildup or even yeast buildup. But like any other processes we mentioned, you must not overdo it because it can cause dryness.

5. Dry Your Dreadlocks Thoroughly But Gently

Dry Your Dreadlocks Thoroughly But Gently

After washing your dreads, we can either wring them with both hands or keep them down as you towel dry them. 

A microfiber towel offers convenience for its quick-absorbing properties to ensure that your locs are well-dried.

Such a cloth is more exceptional in wicking away moisture than a cotton towel. Aside from cutting short your drying time, using a microfiber towel reduces friction and keeps your dreads from breaking since rubbing them is no longer necessary to the drying process.

5. Invest In Quality Moisturizers

Invest In Quality Moisturizers

People sporting dreadlocks tend to get matted hair a lot, which they often find frustrating. If you notice your locks to have a significant amount of frizziness, then that's how you know you are at this annoying stage.

It is also at such a stage that you will find it handy to invest in moisturizing shampoo and lightweight oils.

Cheap and quick fixes often lead to disappointment, especially in the dreadlock care arena. If you don't wash your dreads as often as necessary, then you will clog the pores in your scalp. I'm sure that's the least you would want to happen. Moreover, the unhealthy practice of not washing your dreads can result in skin conditions, such as seborrheic dermatitis.

Some of its symptoms are redness, scaly patches, and dandruff. It would even be costlier and more distressful since that condition may require a medicated shampoo.

Investing in quality shampoos and conditioners is the cornerstone of healthy hair. You may also incorporate using essential oils, moisturizers, and leave-on conditioners into your regular hair care routine.

6. Use Moisturizing Oils

Use Moisturizing Oils

The best approach to hydrating your dreadlocks is to treat each stand individually. Using conditioners after first washing with the best shampoo for dreadlocks makes them more manageable. But adding natural oils to your after-wash regimen can also do wonders for your dreads.

You don't even need to look far, as you may already have some of these oils in your kitchen.

We may often think of excessive oil production, pore-clogging, and yeast growth when using oil for scalp moisturization. However, oils can nourish and stimulate your locs and scalp, helping you achieve healthy growth for your dreads.

You can use vegetable oil alone or mix it with other ingredients in a spray bottle. Diluting oils is better since direct application makes the scalp prone to irritations. Virgin coconut oil is rich in protein and exceptional for dreadlock care. Coconut oil softens dreads from the shaft to strengthen and ensure healthy growth.

In addition, argan oil seals in moisture. An infusion of tea tree oil and peppermint is best to relieve an itchy, flaky scalp. Natural herbal oils are miracle workers in dreadlock nourishment, but vegetable oils are perfect for individuals who prefer to steer clear of overpowering fragrances. Such scents are typical in essential oils.

7. Go For Satin Or Silk At Bedtime

Go For Satin Or Silk At Bedtime

Those people who are still new to sporting the dreads might find it surprising that maintaining a well-moisturized scalp does not end in your grooming rituals.

Even as you retreat for the day and hit the sack, you can do as much to ensure that your locs do not go dry.

It's only practical for individuals with natural hair texture never to stop looking for ways to care for their locs. You can get your head covered in a silk or satin scarf if a silk or satin pillowcase is not accessible. Resting your dreads on a satin pillowcase is best than on cotton.

Satin and silk can help keep the frizz away from those gorgeous curls and retain their volume. Such fabrics have excellent breathability, allowing optimal airflow so that no moisture gets trapped on your scalp.

Several Factors Causing A Dry Scalp

Caring for natural hair is no joke. Some people resort to sporting a protective style, such as dreadlocks, also known as locs or dreads.

Luckily, you have several ways to maintain healthy dreadlocks, whether you have had locs for years or still plan to get dreads. Some people are confused because they can't tell apart a dry scalp from having dandruff

It's understandable since both conditions can cause you to have those unsightly, annoying flakes and an itchy scalp. At times, a person can even have dandruff and a dry scalp. You will know that it is you're suffering from dandruff if the flakes are sizable and your scalp or dreads feels too oily. 

Some of the culprits for such problems are the following:

Scalp Health Problems

Scalp Health Problems

Skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis can cause you to have a dry scalp. Remember that chronic dry scalp can result in permanent hair loss if not taken treated accordingly. You always have the option to seek medical help when necessary, but prevention is way better.

Boosting your immune system can do wonders, as it allows your body to combat fungal infections that can cause scalp dryness.

Changes In Weather

Changes In Weather

Cold weather can cause a significant drop in humidity. Our locs and skin often suffer from increased water loss during such a season. Everything has to be in healthy moderation. Or, you can increase your fluid intake to prevent more problems and discomfort associated with dry hair and scalp.

It causes dry scalp and even aggravates scalp problems; even excessive heat can lead to a dry scalp.

Hair Products

Hair Products

Misinformation can sometimes cause many of us to grow and care for our dreads ineffectively, but this often happens in purchasing hair care products. Sadly, several companies nowadays capitalize on our lack of basic knowledge of the best products for our scalp and tresses. 

You must choose products specifically formulated for scalps with dreads. 

First, you have to go for products based on your locks' texture, not your hair type. Next, make it a habit to always check for the contents in the product label. Ensure that no products contain harsh chemicals that could lead to yeast growth.

Incorrect Hair Care Routine

Incorrect Hair Care Routine

Several unhealthy practices can also lead to scalp conditions. Contrary to the misconception of many, regularly washing your locs is healthy. But too much washing is what makes your hair and scalp dry.

Remember that healthy locs always begin with a healthy scalp; try not to overdo your hair care regimens.

Do thorough research and hear out the experiences of those who have the same hairstyle. Take all the time necessary to learn about how to moisturize the scalp with dreads, or take it to a professional. It's better to have fact-based information than rely on unfounded myths.



Physical, emotional, and environmental stress can affect your scalp health and even cause hair thinning. Some medications can also compromise even healthy hair. It can lead to hair thinning or have it falling out.

Find a healthy way to de-stress; it doesn't have to be grand because even a simple walk in the park or meditation will do.

Sometimes, all the styling can cause stress to our hair. Imagine the heat from blow dryers, and all the chemicals from hair treatments can also cause our locks to suffer and damage the hair shaft. Take a break from all the elastics and needless regimens; your locs will thank you for it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I avoid having a dry scalp?

Select well-suited products for your scalp. It's even better if you can go for natural hair care products to ensure they're free of damaging chemicals. Hot oil treatments or incorporating moisturizing oils into your regimen will also help.

Coconut oil, aloe vera, olive oil, and jojoba oil are some of the best ingredients for moisturizing locs. Castor oil seals in moisture, flaxseed oil stimulate hair growth, and avocado oil help in retaining moisture to prevent breakage. Even aloe vera gel helps maintain a healthy ph range.

How do I keep my dreads well-moisturized?

The scalp needs protection the same way your body does. Choose your products carefully, and don't just rely on vegetable oils to keep dreadlocks moisturized. Massaging the scalp with aloe vera or coconut oil benefits your locks.

However, it's still best to maintain a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle to improve your scalp's health. Throughout your loc journey, you will find several methods that are also effective in supporting protective styles, such as the ACV rinse.

Should I put oil directly on my scalp?

Undoubtedly, your dreads can benefit from vegetable oils. But a proper application is just as crucial as the process itself. Only a few drops of vegetable oil are necessary, depending on the dreadlock's density and texture. Nevertheless, not all essential oils are excellent for your scalp.

Lightweight oils are more suitable; it doesn't matter if you prefer coconut oil or olive oil, as any light oil will do. Such oils work best for restoring your locks' natural oil. Don't apply directly on the roots if you have straight hair; excess oils can cause sebum buildup that clogs the pores.


When it comes to moisturizing your scalp with dreads, the first thing you'll think about is looking for moisturizing oil or enhancing your hair regimen. While these things are essential to stimulating the hair's natural oils, it takes more than that to moisturize the scalp effectively and maintain healthy locs.

A healthy diet means healthy dreadlocks. You can avoid having a dry scalp and maintain healthy hair if you eat foods with less or no unhealthy fats. Get good sleep, be mindful of your product choices, and ensure a regular hair care routine to keep dreads moisturized with optimal hair growth.

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